Antiques - All the way from Chettinad

After a much enthusiastic discussion in the Bangalore Craft Lovers group on FB, I had to post this...

For all the craft/art/antique/decor enthusiasts out there. These vessels and many more such authentic antiques(furnitures, mirrors,tables etc) are sold by a lady called Saradha. She hails from Chettinad and goes around collecting these things from various places in Tamilnadu. She doesn't have a store anywhere and the sale is only through such melas and fairs.

My clicks are from the Kalamadhyam Mela, held at ChitraKala Parishat-Bangalore.

Lovely miniature flower basket

Idli cooker

Worth their brass

Cute little dibbis

See those inscription

Antique Ceramicware

If you look at the utensils and dabbas from our mom's and grandmom's collection, you will find names inscribed on them...very discreet, yet obvious. There were mainly 2 reasons for it-one is that this would help in dividing their stuff equally among their children. Yes...the inscription was done exactly when it was bought from the store or from the vendor who came home every month.

Secondly, when they sent the vessel/dibbi to their neighbour/friend with goodies in it, the inscription helps in discriminating their vessels from the others..thereby gently reminding the friend/neighbour to return it. Intelligent eh?

There were a lot more stuff at the stall..but I just managed to click the utensils and vessels. More captures next time.


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