I write, therefore I am

I write, therefore I am.

Not the writer kind of write...But those very close to me know that I love to write. Especially when I work on projects and come up with new ideas, i just love writing them down.

There is nothing to match the feel of putting a pen or pencil to paper and feeling each dot, line, alphabets and numbers. Not even the best of ipad sketching apps give that kind of pleasure.

As much as my love for writing, is the craze for beautiful and unique stationery and accessories.

Here is a teeny tiny glimpse of my collection

the diary from Giving Tree

This li'l guy is a permanent fixture on my desk.  
 He loves to chew on my pencil ends and sharpen them in the process :-)
The green and red enamel pencil stand is a proper Czechoslovakian enamel one which I bought from the antique market of Karaikudi. And guess what?? I have the lovely vintage label that came with it safely tucked away in a box.

Now, this my readers is the latest entrant into my stash. A twelve colour pack of Staedtler fineliner with a cute little notepad. Absolute bliss!! This goes into the daily tote...just in case the doodle bug bites during my travels.
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 Did you like my collection? Wanna see more of it? Stay tuned for future doses of cuteness


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